We will make sure the pivot walks in both directions during the inspection. Our checklist will be panel box, pivot point, collector ring, gearboxes, u-joints, tires, structure soundness, cables, etc…. After the inspection is finished, a copy of the checklist will be sent to the grower and a proposal for repair, if needed, can be discussed at that time.
This plan starts with a Basic inspection. We will also physically check all safety and micro switches to ensure they are operating correctly. Water will be applied to the pivot to check for leaks, clogged heads, cracks, or gaskets. Gear boxes will be serviced and lubricated, and water will be drained from the gear boxes during this as well. We will also give the grower 5% discounts on any parts needed. Normal labor rates will apply for the service provided.
This plan starts with a Basic inspection. This also includes changing all microswitches and contactors on every tower. We will also check all Fieldwise and Gps functions for proper operation. This service plan also includes inspection and proper function of the system from the water source to the end boom. This would include pumps, motors, v.f.d.’s, panels, pressure testing, flange gaskets, etc… This plan ensures that there are no surprises when it is time to roll. There will be a 5% parts and
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